Mac Menu Bar Notifications App


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  2. Get Iphone Notifications On Mac
  3. Edit Menu Bar Mac
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  6. Mac Menu Bar Notifications Application

App menus get priority, and if you’re working with an app with lots of menus, some of your menu bar extras simply disappear. Here's the menu bar on my 27-inch iMac. With InstaCal you can access your calendar from anywhere, simply by clicking the date in the menu bar. Always available in your Mac menu bar, InstaCal is quick and convenient and can be opened at any time. You can also add, view and edit reminders. Oct 23, 2017  CashNotify’s notifications are shown even when the menu bar is hidden. What if you have many menu bar apps? If you have more than a few menu bar apps installed on your Mac, your menu bar can become cluttered. Bartender for Mac is an app that lets you organize your menu bar apps. Jan 06, 2020  System status menu - The System status menu includes third-party widgets that you can download from the Mac App Store, the volume controls, Wi-Fi status, AirPlay, the battery (on laptops), and the date and time.; Spotlight - Spotlight is the Mac's system-wide and online search tool. You can type anything into the Spotlight search and you will almost definitely find what you are looking for. Feb 27, 2019  Open your Notification Center by clicking the button on the top right of your menu bar. Click Notifications and at the bottom right of the window, click on the gear icon to open the settings. When the pop-up window displays, you’ll see a list of all apps using notifications on your Mac. Feb 06, 2019  Notification Center slides out from the right side of your Mac's screen, allowing you to view both widgets and notifications. There are a couple of ways to activate Notification Center. Click the Notification Center icon on the far right of the Menu bar (looks like three stacked lines). Feb 22, 2018  Gmail for Mac is the best and most powerful Gmail desktop client. It’s perfect for quickly accessing your Gmail account without ever needing to open a web browser. The app is fully feature packed and built for speed and ease of use. KEY FEATURES:. Instant access to Gmail via your Mac’s menu bar. Awesome color-coded notifications with.

Menu Bar apps sit in your Mac’s menu bar and provide access to an array of features and services, all with just a simple click or tap of the app’s menu bar icon. They can bring additional productivity, utility, or security, or add useful information to your Mac’s menu bar.

The basic menu bar with Apple-supplied menu items shown.

Our list of 15 menu bar apps is by no means all-inclusive; there are so many apps available that it would take quite a while to combine them into a single list. Instead, I’ve gathered a list of menu bar apps that I’ve either used or are popular in the Mac community, and are worth trying out.

Let’s start our list of favorite menu bar apps with ones that enhance your productivity.


Yes, your Mac comes with its own Calendar app, which does a pretty good job of keeping track of dates and notifying you of upcoming events. But to add, edit, and view the calendars, the app needs to be running. That’s where menu bar-based calendar apps shine, letting you work with your calendars directly from the menu bar.


Currently at version 2, Fantastical started life as strictly a menu bar app but has grown into a full-fledged Mac app. Thankfully, the folks who make Fantastical didn’t abandon the menu bar; version 2 has all the original benefits of a lightweight menu bar app, as well as the power of a full app when you need it.

Fantastical provides easy access to your current calendar and upcoming events.

Fantastical supports multiple calendars, and calendar sets, which can automatically switch their active/inactive states depending on your location. This lets you set up calendars for work as well as home, and automatically switch between them.

• Fantastical 2 is $49.99, with a 21-day free trial.


If the Mac’s Calendar app is performing well for you, and the feature you’re really missing is access to Calendar from the menu bar, Itsycal is the menu bar app for you. Itsycal can display a monthly view of your Calendar app’s information, including showing events that are scheduled. If you need additional information, you can open the Calendar app directly from Itsycal.

• Itsycal is free.

Contact Managers

There are a number of contact managers for the Mac but most are full-fledged apps, with only minimal, if any, menu bar support. One of the exceptions is the app below.


Cardhop is the preferred way to access, edit, add to, and just work with the Mac’s Contacts app. For many Mac and iOS device users, Cardhop is the only method they use to manage their contacts; that’s how powerful this menu bar app is.

Cardhop can show upcoming events and recent contacts, as well as all of the cards in the Mac’s Contacts app.

Cardhop makes use of a powerful search capability that allows you to find contact information based on just about any detail that may be present in a contacts card. Search by name, address, birth date, or any criteria; it’s as easy as clicking or tapping the Cardhop menu bar item and starting to type. Cardhop will display any matching cards it finds.

Adding or editing contacts is just as easy; just enter the name and details and Cardhop takes care of the rest. Cardhop also includes the ability to add note fields, to enter personal details about your contact, and a timestamp field to create a history of your contacts.

One of the best features of Cardhop is its ability to act on a contact you select. If you need to send an email or make a phone call, Cardhop can launch the appropriate app to send an email or connect to your Bluetooth phone, use Wi-Fi calling, or get the macOS Continuity feature to make calls for you.

• Cardhop is $19.99 and is available with a 21-day free trial.

System Utilities

Menu bar-based system utilities have a tendency to overpopulate my menu bar. It seems the techie in me wants to know how my Mac’s resources are being used any time I’m using it. There are a number of system menu bar apps, but here are a few of my favorites.

iStat Menus

This system utility will place a number of items in your menu bar to monitor the performance of your Mac. You can keep track of CPU and GPU performance, memory usage, disk access, and network usage; there’s also a large array of built-in system sensors, including various temperature, voltage, current, and wattage readings, You can even measure ambient light levels, if your Mac is properly equipped.

The compact menu bar menus in iStat Menus can reveal details about how your Mac is performing.

iStat Menus can monitor just about every aspect of your Mac’s performance and do it without taking up too much of your menu bar’s real estate.

• iStat Menus is available for $11.99 for a single Mac, or $14.99 for a 5-user family pack. A 14-day free trial is available.


The original MenuMeters was a handy menu bar system monitor by Alex Harper that stopped working when OS X El Capitan was introduced. Since then, the original open source app has been forked by various developers, to accommodate the newer versions of the Mac OS. This version works with OS X El Capitan through macOS Mojave.

MenuMeters installs as a preference pane that allows you to specify how each item (CPU, Disk, Memory, and Network) should be displayed in the menu bar. You can control the type of information displayed, update intervals, and in some cases, the colors to be used.

• MenuMeters is free.

Memory Clean

Unlike the other system monitor utilities in this group, Memory Clean is dedicated to monitoring a Mac’s memory. It can keep track of memory usage, how memory is being used, which apps are memory hogs, and which apps are inactive but still tying up memory.

Keeping track of how your memory is being used is one of the many tasks Memory Clean can perform for you.

Additionally, Memory Clean can also purge inactive memory, freeing up RAM that was set aside for apps that are no longer running.

• Memory Clean, currently at version 3, is $9.99. A free trial is available.

Mac Fan Control

This menu bar app can monitor the temperature sensors built into your Mac. But it doesn’t stop there; Mac Fan Control can use the temperature information to control the speed of your Mac’s fans.

You can set a constant fan speed, or assign one of the temperature sensors to be used to regulate a fan’s speed.

Mac Fan Control is a great way to silence a noisy fan momentarily while you perform a critical task, such as recording from a microphone that is located near your Mac. It’s also commonly used to set a fan’s speed when a temperature sensor was broken during an upgrade or tear down that went awry.

• Mac Fan Control is $14.95; a free trial period is available.


One of the new features of the macOS was Night Shift, a system that reduces blue light from the display as the evening approaches. The idea is to enhance your sleep cycle by reducing blue light output from a digital display that can interfere with your natural circadian rhythm.

The f.lux app has been providing the same type of capabilities for a lot longer and may be in a better position to provide a better implementation. The f.lux system provides more control to the user and does a better job of reducing blue spectrum output of a display in the evening.

If you need a better night’s sleep after working on your Mac all day, give f.lux a look-see.

• f.lux is free.

Battery Monitors

Mac laptop users need a reliable way to monitor their Mac’s battery to help them stay informed about the current state of the battery, how much run-time is left, and the overall health of the battery.


This battery monitor has been a Mac staple since 2005. Since then, coconutBattery has branched out to provide battery-monitoring services to the iPhone and iPad, as well as the Mac.

coconutBattery displays your current battery health, how often the battery was charged, the age of the battery, current charge, original and current capacity, battery temperature, and much more.

• coconutBattery is available in a free basic version and a Plus version for $9.95.

Battery Health

Understanding how well your battery is performing is one of the goals of the Battery Health app, but it can also help you prolong the battery’s runtime and longevity.

Battery Health displays the usual battery details: current battery health, capacity, charging cycles, battery temperature, age, manufacture date, the remaining charge on the battery, and how long it will take to fully charge the battery. It can also help you increase the battery runtime by showing you which apps are using the most energy.

Battery Health can also display the battery levels of connected Bluetooth devices, such as your Magic Mouse, Magic Keyboard, or AirPod.

Battery Health also works for iPhone and iPad devices.

• Battery Health is $9.99; a 3-day free trial is available.


There are quite a few apps for detecting malware that utilize the menu bar. But in many cases, the menu bar is used to launch the associated app. So, instead of listing those security apps, I went with a favorite password manager.

Mac Menu Bar Notifications Apps


This password manager has long been a popular Mac app for creating and managing all of a user’s passwords. It provides access via the included full-featured app as well as from the menu bar, and from most Mac web browsers.

Let 1Password manage your logins and passwords, freeing you to use complex passwords for increased security.

The 1Password web extension can handle most of your web-based login and password needs, but with the addition of the menu bar interface, 1Password can be used with any app as well as any web page, even when a web page hinders the use of a password manager.

1Password can generate complex passwords for you and make sure you’re not using duplicate passwords. Since 1Password is storing the passwords and login information for you in an encrypted database, you don’t need to worry about remembering every password, 1Password takes care of that for you.

• 1Password is available for single users and a 5-user family license, as well as business licenses. A free 30-day trial is available.

File Access

If your Mac is getting a little weighed down with apps and files, either of these file access apps can help you find everything faster.


This simple little app adds one or more menu items to the menu bar; each menu bar item can be populated with apps, folders, documents, or text snippets.

• XMenu is free and available from the Mac App Store.

Shortcut Bar

Another menu bar app designed to give you quick access to your favorite items, including apps, documents, folders, bookmarks, text snippets, and color swatches.

Shortcut Bar lets you create your own list of important locations and documents that you want to have quick access to.

Items can be organized into groups that can be expanded or hidden as needed – a helpful feature when your Shortcut Bar gets a bit overpopulated.

• Shortcut Bar is $8.99; a free trial is available.


In the Weather and Menu Bar Utility categories, I only found one app for each that’s worthy of mention.

Get Iphone Notifications On Mac


There have been quite a few weather widgets for the menu bar, but for me, Meteorologist stands out because of the details it can provide and the community of developers/supporters that keep the app up to date. Meteorologist supports up to eight different locations that can use one of nine different weather services, letting you pick the best service for your location.

Menu Bar Utility

Mac Menu Bar Notifications App


Edit Menu Bar Mac

Now that you’ve likely overpopulated your Mac’s menu bar, you may find yourself needing a bartender; by that I mean an app named Bartender that can manage all those menu bar icons.

Bartender can organize, rearrange, and hide or show items. It can also automatically highlight menu bar icons when they update, such as battery alerts, memory filling up, or other notifications a menu bar app may support.

• Bartender is $15.00; a free 4-week trial is available.

What’s Your Favorite Menu Bar App?

Let us know which menu bar apps you use, or which ones you don’t like, by using the comments section below.

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Like its counterpart on iPhone and iPad, the Notification Center on your Mac collects all of the notifications from various apps and stores them in a single convenient location. Coupled with Notification Center is Today, which offers a number of handy widgets that provide useful snippets of data. In addition to Apple's built-in widgets, third-party apps can offer their own. You can even use Notification Center to turn on your Mac's Do Not Disturb mode.

Follow this guide to learn how to use and master Notification Center on your Mac.

How to Find Notification Center

Notification Center slides out from the right side of your Mac's screen, allowing you to view both widgets and notifications. There are a couple of ways to activate Notification Center.

  • Click the Notification Center icon on the far right of the Menu bar (looks like three stacked lines).
  • If you use a trackpad with your Mac, place two fingers near the right edge of the pad and swipe to the left to activate Notification Center.

How to customize Notification Center

  1. Launch System Preferences by clicking the on the top left of your screen and clicking Preferences or launching from the Dock.
  2. Click Notifications.

  3. Click on the app or service for which you want to manage notifications.

  4. Click the item's alert style.

  5. Click the checkboxes for each notification setting you'd like to enable or disable.

  6. Choose how you would like your notifications sorted. You can choose Recents, Recents by App, or Manually by App.

How to delete notifications

  1. Click the Notification Center button on the top right of your screen (the three stacked lines).
  2. Click Notifications at the top of the Today view if you're not already in Notification view.
  3. Hover your cursor over a notification's card.

  4. Click the 'X' that appears in the top-right corner of the notification.

How to clear a day's notifications

  1. Click the Notification Center button on the top right of your screen (three stacked lines) .
  2. Click Notifications at the top of the Today view if you're not already .
  3. Click the 'X' towards the upper-right corner of the Notification Center.

How to add Today view widgets

  1. Click the Notification Center button on the top right of your screen (looks like three stacked lines).
  2. Click Today at the top of the Notification view if you're not already on Today view.
  3. Click Edit at the bottom of Notification Center.

  4. Click the green '+' button for any widget you want to add in the new Items panel.

  5. Click and drag the widget's top bar and drag along the Today view to rearrange the widget's location.

  6. Click App Store to be taken to a collection of apps with Today view widgets in the Mac App Store to find new widgets to use.

How to remove Today view widgets

Mac Menu Bar Settings

  1. Click the Notification Center button on the top right of your screen (three stacked lines).
  2. Click Today at the top of the Notification view if you're not already on Today view.
  3. Click Edit at the bottom of Notification Center.

  4. Find the widget you'd like to remove and click the red '-' button next to the widget's name.


Let us know in the comments below.

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Mac Menu Bar Notifications Application


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